With a good therapist, having a massage session can bring balance back to your mind and body.


Midori Ishimaru

In Japanese, Midori Ishimaru translates to “Green (circular) Stone. When my massage techniques work for the patient’s needs they become my regulars and even book months in advance! Because…why not?

Midori Ishimaru is a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) since 2017 and a Permanent Resident of British Columbia, Canada. She was born and raised in Japan, Ehime, Matsuyama City. She currently is a wife and a mother of two. She is also fluent in both the English and Japanese language.

College of Massage Therapists of BC, Vancouver Career College, Registered Massage Therapist

Do You Have Any Specific Questions

Let me know if you have questions that is not stated in the ABOUT page. It will take a few days but I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest and have a good day!

Clinic Address

4300 North Fraser Way, Burnaby, BC

Next Gen Offices, Glenlyon Corporate Centre


Parking and Entrance

Park in the #100's stalls
DO NOT PARK in any other # stalls

Please make sure you have ample time to travel so your treatment time will not be taken up by your travel time. To know where to enter please see diagram below.

Overhead map of Green Stone WellnessOverhead map of Green Stone Wellness